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Sundays 9:30am Worship In-person or on our YouTube Channel

Green Team

Connecting Our Congregation with God’s Natural World

Sunday Worship

8:30AM Worship – spoken liturgy.
9:00AM Vocal Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship. View bulletin & YouTube worship link.
11:30AM Fellowship Time

318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ
856-235-2055 • stmatthew@stmatthew-lutheran.org

I’m New Here! Learn about visiting St. Matthew.


Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule

Wednesdays during Lent
Evening Prayer
7:30-8:30PM Pastor’s Class
The Basics of Christianity

Maundy Thursday
7PM Worship


Good Friday
4PM Family Service
7:30PM Full Liturgy Service

Easter Sunday
7:30AM Sunrise Service
note: due to construction outside the Sunrise service may be held inside.
10:30AM Easter Service


Weekly Devotions for 1/21

Weekly Devotions for 1/21

“Great and amazing are your deeds, Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, King of the nations! Lord, who will not fear and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your judgments have been revealed.” –...

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Weekly Devotions for 1/21

Weekly Devotions for 1/14

This hope doesn’t put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. – Romans 5:5 (CEB) A new year is upon us, and it is a time for hope. That may seem a tall order for some in these days. With...

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Pastor Eric Away January 21st through February 12th

Pastor Eric Away January 21st through February 12th

Pastor Eric will be out of the country from January 21st through February 12th, 2025. As part of his call to serve the global church through education, he will be teaching an intensive class at Australian Lutheran College, the seminary of the Lutheran Church in...

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Weekly Devotions for 1/21

Weekly Devotions for 12/17

We don’t need to write to you about the timing and dates, brothers and sisters.  You know very well that the day of the Lord is going to come like a thief in the night.  When they are saying, “There is peace and security,” at that time sudden destruction...

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Sunday Worship Schedule

8:30AM Worship – Spoken Liturgy
9:00AM Vocal Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship
11:30AM Fellowship
View bulletin & YouTube worship link.

318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ

New Here?

  • Talk with the pastor or one of the worship leaders on Sunday and let them know what you’re thinking. They may have some ideas.
  • Check out the calendar and attend an upcoming event that interests you.
  • Look through the pages on this website. Does a certain ministry strike you as interesting? Email or call the pastor to talk more about it or join us at one of the events to see if it is a good connection.

What's Happening This Week?

click here to learn more

Mission Statement

Saint Matthew Lutheran Church is a community of disciples reaching out through Christ in loving worship, witness, and service.