
Our church community is made possible by the continued financial support of everyone who enjoys our worship services and community programs. Your generosity helps maintain our building and grounds, and supports the mission and ministries of St. Matthew Lutheran Church.

You now have more options for electronic giving. Through our website you can securely give through Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement, choosing to use either a credit card, debit card or bank transfer. You can do this as a one-time offering or a recurring gift. As well, you can chose the mission you’d like to support.

Electronic Giving

Make an Online Donation – One-time gifts or recurring gifts.

For church members, we ask you to continue using your giving envelopes for special collections throughout the year.

Summer Sunday Worship Schedule

9:30AM Worship
10:30AM Fellowship
View bulletin & YouTube worship link.
318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ

What's Happening This Week?

click here to learn more

Mission Statement

Saint Matthew Lutheran Church is a community of disciples reaching out through Christ in loving worship, witness, and service.