There is a place for you here.
We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person — questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world (ELCA quote)
Worshiping with us for the first time?
Visiting an unfamiliar church can be daunting. Here’s what you can expect:
Dress: People dress in a variety of ways – from jeans to casual dress to suit and tie. Most people wear what would be considered “dressy casual” clothing.
Friendly but not pushy: We’ve frequently been told by visitors that we’re friendly. People may try to help you if you look lost, but folks aren’t intrusive, and we will not ask you to stand up and introduce yourself. We’re pretty noisy right before worship because people catch up with each other.
Our worship is liturgical. This means that if you’ve been to a Roman Catholic or Episcopal Mass and felt comfortable there, you will here, too. People new to liturgical worship either love or hate it! It usually takes awhile to feel comfortable. The word “liturgy” means “work of the people,” that is, people’s participation is important. We celebrate Communion at every worship service.
How to know what to do in worship: The service is fully printed in what we call a “bulletin” that includes instructions to help people learn the liturgy.
Length: Each worship service is about one hour. Rarely will worship run longer, except in the case of Baptisms, and sometimes it runs a few minutes shorter.
We want to be diverse in many ways. We’re diverse in terms of age: Children, teens, middle-age and older adults worship (more middle-age & older than other groups). The majority of people are Caucasian, but we desire to be more racially diverse. Parishioners are politically diverse – from very liberal to very conservative – but politics do not arise as a topic in worship. We sing hymns from many different eras, denominations and countries, with the majority from the Lutheran heritage.
Special needs: There are 4 marked, “handicapped” parking spaces in a prominent location. The “handicapped” restroom is in the church office. We offer large-print bulletins and hearing devices (ear-bud for one ear), just ask one of the ushers. There are a few spaces cut out at pew ends for wheel-chairs. We are pretty accustomed to people who make “their own joyful noise to the Lord” due to Tourettes, Cerebral Palsy, etc…
Want to know more or figure out how to get more involved?
- Email or call the pastor to set up a time to chat, or ask questions and get to know her and the congregation better.
- Talk with the pastor, Bill who makes the announcements, or one of the worship leaders on Sunday and let them know what you’re thinking and they may have some ideas.
- Check out the calendar and attend an upcoming event that interests you.
- Look through the pages on this website (worship, children & youth, learn & connect, serve) – does a certain ministry strike you as interesting? Either email/call the pastor to talk more about it (she will ask one of the leaders of that ministry to give you a call as they know more about it than she does!), or attend one of the events to see if it is a good connection