Weekly Updates
December 17th, 2024
Sights & Insights
Start your week with a devotion
Church Construction Update
Reminder: The church parking lot exit will be blocked off from 6am to 6pm for about four months. Please exit through the adjacent property, behind the convenience store.
Advent & Christmas Festival Choir
All looking for a special way to enjoy the season are welcome. Vocal choir rehearses Sunday 9am & Wednesday 7pm. Interested in handbells? Contact Dr. Sarah England Baab. Learn more.
Contemplative Prayer
December 18th, 3pm
Join in time to learn more about contemplative prayer and experience being open to receiving God in a few moments of stillness.
Greening of the Sanctuary
Sunday December 22nd after worship
Decorate the tree, dress the candle poles with holly, arrange poinsettias, trim the wreaths, and fill baskets with greens. Stay to enjoy the fun.
One Combined Worship Service
Sunday December 29th, 9:30am
Only one Worship service will be held at 9:30am.
Red Cross Blood Drive
January 17th, 12-5pm
SMLC Library. Kindness is in your blood. Register online.
Deficit Reduction Appeal
To avoid a year-end deficit, a Deficit Reduction Appeal is now underway through the end of the year. Please give prayerful consideration to your gift of financial support and donate as you are able. Identify this amount as "Deficit Reduction" on the Other line on your giving envelope or in the memo section of our Vanco online offering. With your support, we can close out 2024 without a year-end deficit.
Zoom Events
Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship: 10:30AM
Study Leader: Rev. Dr. Richard Herman.
For Zoom info, contact JoAnn Lawrence.
Tea & Talk: Thursdays, 10:30AM
For Zoom info, contact Karen Widin
Are you having trouble connecting to Zoom for Meetings? Contact Karen Widin for a quick reference checklist.
This Week in the Church
View Church Calendar.
Announcements & fliers can be picked up on the table in the narthex.
6AM–6PM Church parking lot exit closed
9AM–2PM Office Hours
9:15AM-3:30PM Family Circle Playgroup
9AM Property Team
1PM Organ Tuning in Sanctuary
10AM O/A
10AM Knitting & Crocheting Group
1:15PM Stephen Ministry
3PM Contemplative Prayer
6:30PM GSA Troop 20002
7PM Boy Scout Troop 42
10:30AM Tea & Talk
9AM Meditation, New Life AA
11AM New Life AA (FH)
Fourth Sunday of Advent
8:30AM Worship with spoken liturgy
9AM Choir
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship
11:30AM Fellowship
10:30AM Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship
7:30PM O/A