Christmas Eve Worship Services

4PM Family Service
7PM Christmas Eve
10PM Christmas Cantata
10:30PM Christmas Eve
Communion & candle lighting at all services. The 7 & 10:30 services are traditional liturgy.

Sunday Worship

December 22nd

Worship Schedule

8:30AM Worship with Spoken Liturgy
9AM Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Pastor Eric will lead In-person & Live Stream - Youtube worship with Minister of Music Sarah England Baab and the choir.
11:30AM Fellowship
View Worship Service
View Bulletin

December 22nd

First Reading: Micah 5:2-5a
Second Reading: Hebrews 10:5-10
Gospel: Luke 1:39-45 [46-55]

Worship Assistants

Assisting Minister: Ruth Fausak; Pat Covington; Doreen Lawrence
Reader: Peggy Marks
Virtual Assistant: Max Fable
Greeter: Celeste Chamberlain
Healing: Sue Kuhn
Altar Guild: Lawrence Team
Usher: Otto Team
Worship Assistant Calendar

In Our Prayers

We Give Thanks for These People Among Us: Carol Feliciano; Jose Feliciano; Isabella Feliciano; Joseph Feliciano; Andrew Fennema; Linda Fennema; Alex Flores; Andrew Flothmeier; Johanna Flothmeier; Katherine Flothmeier; Matilda Flothmeier; Jana Frable; Max Frable; Karelyn Frable; Nathan Frable; David Frech; Jessica Frech
MEMBERS: Mary Cross; Cookie Davis; Drew Fennema; and Dave Stewart; Continued prayers for Joan Gebhardt; Pam Horner; Thua Keane; and Tom Tanger.
FRIENDS: Celia Auchenbach; Howard Cohen; Jennifer Levy Continued prayers for: Rachael Carosiello; Igea Gamba; Adonia Grant; Bruce Merrill; Jim Morgan; Jenni Zimmerman; Ken Danielsen, Mike Fickes and Pat Hammond
HOMEBOUND: Nancy Beth Abele; Karen Koch; Paul Loftness Jr.; Liz Miller; John Parkin; Alexis Schoenhofer; Patricia Sullivan. 
MILITARY: Rosemarie Carrado-Merrill; Beth Eilers; Bryan Lodge; Janal Thomas.
MISSION PARTNERS: Bridge of Peace; NJ Farmers Against Hunger; ELCA Global Mission.

Taking Faith Home

"Taking Faith Home" is designed to bring themes from worship on Sunday into your daily devotional life. 

Children's Bulletin

One Combined Worship Service

Sunday December 29th, 9:30am

Only one Worship service will be held at 9:30am.

Healing Prayers

Healing Prayers are now offered by team members during communion. Come take part in this caring ministry.

Deficit Reduction Appeal

To avoid a year-end deficit, a Deficit Reduction Appeal is underway through the end of the year. Please give prayerful consideration to your gift of financial support and donate as you are able. Identify this amount as "Deficit Reduction" on the Other line on your giving envelope or in the memo section of an online offering. With your support, we can close out 2024 without a year-end deficit.
Pick up your Bulletin and additional church announcements on the table in the narthex.
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Christmas Eve Worship Services

4PM Family Service
7PM Christmas Eve
10PM Christmas Cantata
10:30PM Christmas Eve
Communion & candle lighting at all services. The 7 & 10:30 services are traditional liturgy.

Weekly Updates

December 17th, 2024

Sights & Insights


Start your week with a devotion

Church Construction Update

Reminder: The church parking lot exit will be blocked off from 6am to 6pm for about four months.  Please exit through the adjacent property, behind the convenience store.

Advent & Christmas Festival Choir

All looking for a special way to enjoy the season are welcome. Vocal choir rehearses Sunday 9am & Wednesday 7pm. Interested in handbells? Contact Dr. Sarah England Baab. Learn more.

Contemplative Prayer

December 18th, 3pm

Join in time to learn more about contemplative prayer and experience being open to receiving God in a few moments of stillness.

Greening of the Sanctuary

Sunday December 22nd after worship

Decorate the tree, dress the candle poles with holly, arrange poinsettias, trim the wreaths, and fill baskets with greens. Stay to enjoy the fun.

One Combined Worship Service

Sunday December 29th, 9:30am

Only one Worship service will be held at 9:30am.

Red Cross Blood Drive

January 17th, 12-5pm

SMLC Library. Kindness is in your blood. Register online.

Deficit Reduction Appeal

To avoid a year-end deficit, a Deficit Reduction Appeal is now underway through the end of the year. Please give prayerful consideration to your gift of financial support and donate as you are able. Identify this amount as "Deficit Reduction" on the Other line on your giving envelope or in the memo section of our Vanco online offering. With your support, we can close out 2024 without a year-end deficit.

Zoom Events

Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship: 10:30AM

Study Leader: Rev. Dr. Richard Herman.
For Zoom info, contact JoAnn Lawrence

Tea & Talk: Thursdays, 10:30AM

For Zoom info, contact Karen Widin 

Are you having trouble connecting to Zoom for Meetings? Contact Karen Widin for a quick reference checklist.

This Week in the Church

View Church Calendar.
Announcements & fliers can be picked up on the table in the narthex.
6AM–6PM Church parking lot exit closed
9AM–2PM Office Hours
9:15AM-3:30PM Family Circle Playgroup
9AM Property Team
1PM Organ Tuning in Sanctuary
10AM O/A
10AM Knitting & Crocheting Group
1:15PM Stephen Ministry
3PM Contemplative Prayer
6:30PM GSA Troop 20002
7PM Boy Scout Troop 42
10:30AM Tea & Talk
9AM Meditation, New Life AA
11AM New Life AA (FH)
Fourth Sunday of Advent
8:30AM Worship with spoken liturgy
9AM Choir
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship
11:30AM Fellowship

10:30AM Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship
7:30PM O/A
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