Sunday Worship

Due to a computer problem, Worship will be recorded and posted to the Youtube channel later.

Summer Worship Schedule

9:30AM Pastor Eric Trozzo will lead In-person & Live Stream - Youtube worship with Communion from the sanctuary, along with Cantor Dave Harp.
10:30AM Fellowship
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View Bulletin

July 28th

First Reading: 2 Samuel 11:1-15
Second Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21
Gospel: John 6:1-21

Worship Assistants

Assisting Minister: Karen Widin, Carol Cathcart, Pat Brodie
Reader: Doreen Lawrence
Virtual Assistant: John O’Meara
Greeter: JoAnn Lawrence
Healing: Carmen vonWrangell
Altar Guild: Meany Team
Usher: Duda Team
Worship Assistant Calendar

In Our Prayers

MEMBERS: Cookie Davis, Drew Fennema; Julie Frank, Joan Gebhardt, Virginia Sheppard. Continued prayers for Tom Tanger
FRIENDS: Charles Carrado, Marge Dorward, Mike Hammond, Joan Middleton. Continued prayers for; Rachael Carosiello; Igea Gamba; Adonia Grant, Joan Middleton; Jim Morgan, Mark Willard, Jenni  Zimmerman.
HOMEBOUND: Nancy Beth Abele; Chris Duffy; Florence Fogel; Karen Koch; Paul Loftness Jr.; John Parkin; Alexis Schoenhofer; Dave Stewart; Patricia  Sullivan; Willie Thomas. 
FIRST RESPONDERS: Tom Campbell, Jr; Bob MacFarland.
MILITARY: Rosemarie Bledsoe; Beth Eilers; Alexander Flores; Bryan Lodge; Janal Thomas.
MISSION PARTNERS: Bridge of Peace; NJ Farmers Against Hunger; ELCA Global Mission.


July 28th, 9:30am

Join us next week as we celebrate a Baptism in the Nice family.

Taking Faith Home

"Taking Faith Home" is designed to bring themes from worship on Sunday into your daily devotional life. 

Children's Bulletin

Healing Prayers

Healing Prayers are now offered by team members during communion. Come take part in this caring ministry.

Pick up your Bulletin and additional church announcements on the table in the narthex.
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