Weekly Updates

October 15, 2024

Sights & Insights


Start your week with a devotion

4-Week Bible Study

Through Sunday, November 3rd

Join the study of Ruth using the Book of Faith curriculum. Shared copies available.

Contemplative Prayer

October 16th, 7pm

Meditative prayer, sharing, and opening oneself to the presence of God around us. In the library or on zoom.

Non-Activity Night

October 28th 6-8pm 

A time of sabbath on the fourth Monday beginning with prayer in the library. Enjoy quiet activities and light refreshments. Learn more.

Green Team

A Consumer Guide to the Inflation Reduction Act
You can save money via tax credit or rebates on Clean Energy redos around your house and in your garage.

Caring Board

Keep in touch and remind members of our concern. Take a card from the Board and write a quick note.If you know of someone that would appreciate a note, leave their name on the board.

Thanksgiving Packing Event

November 22nd 5-7:30pm

Pack bags of mixed fall produce for Thanksgiving distribution to families across NJ including Bridge of Peace Church Camden. RSVP to Brian Lestini.

Thanksgiving Baskets

Our annual food drive to benefit Bridge of Peace Church will begin in a few weeks.

5-Year Capital Appeal

Moving Forward with St. Matthew's Accessibility Project. Learn More. Pledge: Make your pledge by mail, online or schedule it through our Simply Giving program.
For planning purposes we'd like to receive all pledge cards as soon as possible. Upfront donations can be deferred to year-end, if desired.

Zoom Events

Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship: 10:30AM

Study Leader: Rev. Dr. Richard Herman.
For Zoom info, contact JoAnn Lawrence

Tea & Talk: Thursdays, 10:30AM

For Zoom info, contact Karen Widin 

Are you having trouble connecting to Zoom for Meetings? Contact Karen Widin for a quick reference checklist.

This Week in the Church

View Church Calendar.
Announcements & fliers can be picked up on the table in the narthex.
9:15-3:30PM Family Circle Playgroup
9AM Property Team
10AM O/A
10AM Knitting & Crocheting Group
7:00PM Contemplative Prayer
7PM BSA Troop 42
10:30AM Tea & Talk
Messenger Deadline
9AM Meditation, New Life AA
11AM New Life AA (FH)
8:30AM Worship with spoken liturgy
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship
11:30AM Fellowship
10:30AM Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship
5PM Executive Committee
7PM Cong Council
7:30PM O/A
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