Celebrate May 5th at 10:30am Worship and a 2:30pm Celebration Luncheon at the Moorestown Community House. Adults 14+ - $55, children $10. Sign up in the narthex or online.
Easter Flower Orders
Deadline is Palm Sunday April 13
Place your flower orders to beautify the sanctuary at Easter and to honor loved ones. Order forms are in the narthex. Plants are $10 each.
Bible Study on the book of Exodus
Sundays 9:15am during Lent
Explore insights in the Book of Exodus. Drop in when available. In person or Zoom.
Mend with Music Fundraiser
April 3 at The Community House
Annual fundraiser provides accessible, secure, safe, and affordable housing, helping to build sustainable and strong communities. Register.
Zoom Events
Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship: 10:30AM
Study Leader: Rev. Dr. Richard Herman.
For Zoom info, contact JoAnn Lawrence.
Tea & Talk: Thursdays, 10:30AM
For Zoom info, contact Karen Widin
Are you having trouble connecting to Zoom for Meetings? Contact Karen Widin for a quick reference checklist.
This Week in the Church
View Church Calendar.
Announcements & fliers can be picked up on the table in the narthex.
WEEKDAYS 6AM–6PM Church parking lot exit closed 9AM–2PM Office Hours 9:15AM-3:30PM Family Circle Playgroup
TUESDAY 9AM Property Team 1-3PM Pysanky Egg Decorating 7PM BSA Troop 42 WEDNESDAY 10AM O/A 6-7PM Bell Choir Rehearsal 7PMLenten Service 7:30PM Pastor’s Class THURSDAY 10:30AM Tea & Talk 1-3PM HOPE 7-9PM HOPE
SATURDAY 9AM Meditation, New Life AA 11AM New Life AA (FH) SUNDAY 8:30AM Worship with spoken liturgy 9AM Choir 9:30AM Sunday School 10:30AM Worship 11:30AM Fellowship MONDAY 10:30AM Monday Morning Bible Study Fellowship 7PM OA