Baptisms are held during worship on Sundays. Following tradition, Lutherans usually don’t baptize during the somber church seasons of Advent (4 weeks prior to Christmas) and Lent (6 weeks prior to Easter). There are a few particularly appropriate Sundays for baptisms; such as Easter Sunday, Pentecost, All Saints Sunday and the Baptism of Our Lord. However, the pastor and church staff work with families to find a suitable date. The congregation usually experiences one or two baptisms each month. We send periodic educational and faith-oriented resources to households who have a baby baptized through 2 years old. Once children are three, they are welcome to join the Sunday School 3 year-old class. Please contact the church office if you’d like to schedule a baptism. Click here for “Suggestions for choosing godparents (sponsors)“
We welcome all to join us to share some good times together. Please contact Sue Kuhn, Lynn Ganskopp, Paul Otto, or Brian and Joyce Schultz for additional information about joining our fun group.

First Communion
We teach Communion instruction in 2nd Grade during Sunday School and in 7th grade in Confirmation. Typically, 2nd graders are taught for two weeks in the winter/ spring and then receive Communion for the first time in worship on a Sunday morning during the Easter season.

The program begins in the spring at the end of 8th grade, and students are typically confirmed on the next Reformation Sunday in late October. Classes are held in the evenings during two six-week periods (fall and spring) for seventh and eighth graders. Scheduling is done by Pastor Trozzo. Students participate in Discovery Days to see various missions and ministries of the wider church. They will perform at least two service projects during the year.