Sunday Worship
8:30AM Worship – spoken liturgy.
9:00AM Vocal Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship. View bulletin & YouTube worship link.
11:30AM Fellowship Time
318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ
856-235-2055 •
I’m New Here! Learn about visiting St. Matthew.
Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule
Wednesdays during Lent
7PM Evening Prayer
7:30-8:30PM Pastor’s Class
The Basics of Christianity
Maundy Thursday
7PM Worship
Good Friday
4PM Family Service
7:30PM Full Liturgy Service
Easter Sunday
7:30AM Sunrise Service
note: due to construction outside the Sunrise service may be held inside.
10:30AM Easter Service

Weekly Devotions for 10/29
Come, let’s sing out loud to the Lord! Let’s raise a joyful shout to the rock of our salvation! Let’s come before him with thanks! Let’s shout songs of joy to him! The Lord is a great...

St. Matthew Lutheran Church Holds Groundbreaking for Building Addition
Sunday, October 27 at 11:30 following the 10:30 service, St. Matthew Lutheran Church held a ground breaking ceremony for its newest building addition at 318 Chester Avenue. St Matthew Lutheran Church held a groundbreaking on Sunday for its newest building addition,...

Weekly Devotions for 10/22
Sights and InsightsDevotion for Oct. 22, 2024 It’s not that I dislike Halloween. It’s an enjoyable enough distraction, if not something I feel passionately about. I do not even dislike Halloween decorations. They can be fun. When I was little we had pumpkin-shaped...

Thank You Notes
Society of St. Vincent DePaul – Thank you for the beautiful birthday bags and huge collection of toiletries. Our conference was moved by all your hard work. We have so many families in need and to look at those bright festive birthday bags will bring joy to so many!...

Weekly Devotions for 10/8
Sights and Insights Devotion for Oct. 8, 2024 From the end of the earth I call to you, when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you are my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. -...

Fellowship & Congregational Care
Advent Family Craft Night Dec. 8 Advent family craft event will be held on Sunday December 8th from 4-6. There will be music and snacks and crafts for all ages including demonstrations of creating beautiful ribbons. Samples will be available in early November....