Our annual food drive to support the Ministerium Food Pantry is the month of February this year. Please bring your canned goods in this month to the designated area.
Of particular need this year


Tomato products

Canned pasta

Baked beans

Peanut butter

Canned fruit
The Food Pantry is currently in good shape with vegetables, dry pasta, and canned tuna.
We wish to thank St. Matthew for its generous financial support of the Moorestown Ministerium Food Pantry. At each opening, we provide our clients with two bags of food (4 bags for a family of 6 or more). Even with generous donations of food items, we often have to purchase food from Wegman’s to fill the holes on our shelves and your contribution helps us be able to continue to provide complete bags for our clients. We assist about 250 people each month and St. Matthew is a vital part of this ministry. We are so appreciative of your help!
Chris Cassel, Pantry Coordinator