February Messenger

February Messenger

The Messenger – February Highlights Read the February Messenger Pg From Pastor Eric What parts of Christian life are most dear to you? Read article. Pg 2 & 4 Announcements View Events Pg 3 Reserve your spot for the Walnut Street Theater Cabaret Soiree – ACT...
Rediscover Your Faith: Join Pastor’s Lenten Class

Rediscover Your Faith: Join Pastor’s Lenten Class

Are you curious about the roots of Christianity? Looking for a refresher on core Christian teachings? New to St. Matthew Lutheran Church or simply want to learn more about the Lutheran tradition? Then join Pastor’s engaging Lenten class! This series of Wednesday...
Happy New Year Greetings from CLF! 

Happy New Year Greetings from CLF! 

The next two Confirmation classes will meet February 23rd and March 23rd.  We want to give Pastor Peggy a heartfelt THANK YOU for planning a two week Epiphany Party Extravaganza in Sunday School! We learned the story of the Three Kings through a variety of...
Property Construction Update

Property Construction Update

As of mid-January Concrete Footings were poured and passed inspection the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Foundation walls & insulation have been laid and have also passed inspection so trenches can be back-filled. Our next step in the...
OWLS – What are Legacy Letters ?

OWLS – What are Legacy Letters ?

Join us on Thursday Feb 6 at noon in the library to enjoy lunch together and learn about an effective way to pass on our values, beliefs, and life lessons to our families and others through the use of legacy letters. The presentation on this fascinating ages-old...