Knitting and Crocheting Group

Knitting and Crocheting Group

The Knitting and Crocheting group has been meeting since February 2024. It’s purpose is to provide handmade items to those in need. The hats and scarves pictured are donated to the Philadelphia branch of the Seafarer’s Merchant Maritime association. Baby blankets are...
Saying Thank You to Dave Harp

Saying Thank You to Dave Harp

It was with enormous shock and so much sadness that choir members read the email sent by Dave Harp telling us he would no longer be the Cantor at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church. We welcomed Dave as Director of Music in April 2005, following Sheila Huff. We felt so...
Christian Learning & Formation

Christian Learning & Formation

Though it can be tough to say goodbye to summer, CLF has been working to prepare for the return of Saint Matthew activities and Sunday School! Sunday September 15th is Saint Matthew Day and therefore a fun, but busy day!! We will return to two worship services that...
The Tuesday Morning Property Team has been hard at work

The Tuesday Morning Property Team has been hard at work

Thank you to the Tuesday Morning Property Team for all of their work running wires and installing the new phone system and internet connection. Their efforts saved the congregation a great deal of money by doing the work themselves. Particular thanks to Harrison...