Monthly Schedules Click below for the current schedule.
Communion Assistants One lay person assists the pastor each worship service and two others come forward during Communion to help distribute it
Presentation of Gifts (bread & wine) Sunday School families are scheduled to bring forward the gifts; that is, the bread and the wine at each service
Readers At each service, one person steps into the pulpit to speak 2 of the 4 readings appointed for the day
Ushers Teams help to welcome people into the sanctuary assist with offering plates and Communion so that guests & visitors comfortable
Acolytes Teams prepare the sanctuary for worship on Sunday
Greeters One person greets people at the main door each Sunday to help create a warm, caring environment
Healing Prayers Offered during worship services in the back of the sanctuary

Acolytes and Crucifiers Confirmation students are assigned the role for each worship service. Acolytes light the candles and assist with Baptisms and Crucifers lead the processional and recessional, holding the processional cross.
Sunday Musical Assistants
The Musical Assistant has responsibility for leading the singing of the liturgy, psalms and any other portion of the worship service as assigned by the Pastor and/or Cantor. The Assistant must be able to sing in tune and, occasionally, without accompaniment. Those interested in being a Musical Assistant should contact Minister of Music Sarah England Baab.
Max Frable: Children’s Chapel.