![communion bread](https://i0.wp.com/stmatthew-lutheran.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/communion-1997305_640.jpg?resize=640%2C427&ssl=1)
First Communion
We will be celebrating first communion on Sunday, May 22. Instruction is available for anyone in grade 2 or older who has not yet received communion. Instruction includes two class sessions and an at-home project. The class sessions will be at 4:00 on Tuesday May 3 and May 10; each will last about 30 minutes. Please contact Pr. Eric if you are interested in taking part in the instruction.
Confirmation Mentor Dinner
The Confirmation Mentor Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, May 25. Pastor Eric will be in touch with the families of those in Year 2 of the confirmation program to confirm the details of the dinner and mentor program. Please save the date.
Scout Sunday
Calling all Scouts in the congregation! Please plan to join us for worship on May 15 and wear your uniform! We will be celebrating Scout Sunday that day, and all scouts are welcome to be recognized during worship. We will also be inviting the scouting groups that use the St. Matthew building.
Third Grade Bibles
Bibles will be presented to our third graders in worship on June 5. All third graders and their families should please plan to attend worship that week, or if you prefer to worship virtually to let Pastor Eric know that so that he can arrange to get the bible to you. If you have not been in touch with Pastor Eric about the bible, please contact him as soon as possible.
Graduates, Let Us Know!
If you (or your child) is graduating from high school or college this year, please let the church office know. Please tell the church office who is graduating, what school they are graduating from, and if they have future plans that they would like to share. We will recognize all of our graduates in worship on June 5, for please try to be in worship physically or virtually that week.
Ministry Meeting Date
Mark your calendars for the annual Ministry Meeting. It will be held on June 12 at 11:00, and will be held as a hybrid meeting.
Interested in serving on the Congregational Council?
Council elections will be held at the June 12 Ministry Meeting. If you are interested in serving on Council, please let the church office know.