So much has changed, so much remains the same
Some noteworthy events from the year 1975 were the popularity of Disco music and dance. The novelty of pet rocks, magic 8 balls and Pez candy dispensers. People were listening to music on 8-tracks. The cost of a quart of milk was 46 cents and a loaf of bread was 33 cents. Also, that year the Stephen Ministry program was founded by Dr Kenneth Haugk.
Much has changed since then, collectibles became Beeny Babies, Cabbage Patch dolls and Transformers to name a few. Music can now be downloaded to our Smartphones. The cost of milk and bread today seems to change by the minute.

What has remained is the Stephen Ministry program which that has grown to more than 12,000 congregations in the US, Canada and 24 other countries. Although the world seems to be constantly changing the need for Christian Caregiving remains. People still suffer from the loss of loved ones, jobs, health, relationships. Those difficult times create a need for spiritual care and nurturing that Stephen Ministry provides.
What’s new and upcoming At Stephen Ministries will be presented on:
- March 6th 10:00 to 10:45am or
- March 7th 7:00 to 7:45pm
This presentation is open to the public. Anyone who is interested in hearing about what is next for the organization and how it will continue to serve are invited to attend.
If you want to speak to someone at about getting the help of a Stephen Minister you can call Sue Kuhn (609) 518-0384.
Submitted by Trish Myers