What is the Stephen Ministry?

Christ caring for People through People

Stephen Ministry is gradually expanding its care in our church. Do you know what the Ministry is?

Stephen Ministry’s basic theology is “Christ caring for people through people.” One trained, supervised Stephen Minister meets with one care receiver and brings the assurance of God’s Love. Through listening, praying, and sharing scripture the Stephen Minister is a Christian friend who walks with a care receiver during a time of transition. Someone may have lost a job, had the last child leave home for college, discovered he/she must have treatment for a serious illness, been asked unexpectedly for a divorce, or has recently moved into town. The Stephen Minister and care receiver will meet weekly for about an hour for as long as he or she wants the support.

Most importantly, Stephen Ministry is a vital part of Saint Matthew Church’s plan for Caring Ministry which has many functions and begins with Pastor Wengert’s devoted care and the ministry of staff members. In other lay ministries, volunteers may phone people unable to attend church, cooks may provide dinners during family difficulties, and eucharistic ministers will take communion to members in their homes. Stephen Ministry is different in that it is an organized, Christ-centered program with extensive training, accountability, and peer support.

It works! Do you know someone who could use a Stephen Minister? First, ask their permission, and then talk with Pastor Wengert, Referral Coordinator, or Joy Wadleigh or Sue Kuhn, as Stephen Leaders.

Learn more about the Stephen Ministry Program.