Social Ministry is the work we do to advocate for justice, serve those in need, and promote peace in society. As an expression of our mission “to reach out through Christ in loving worship, witness, and service,” SMCL has a long tradition of contributing time, talent and financial support to many local and global organizations.
In September we donated fifty backpacks filled with school supplies to Lutheran World Relief. We have hosted many Red Cross Blood Drives, with our most recent on October 6th. Aa well, the Moorestown Ministerium Food Pantry (Formerly known as ) resides at St Matthew Lutheran Church and is responsible for distributing food twice monthly to local families in need. Sometimes we have more ad hoc or seasonal needs. For example, in August, we coordinated with the Food Pantry and Rowan Medical School to host a pop-up Covid clinic to community members.
What’s your passion?
Below is the list of activities for this fall. Contact Denise Cole and Beth Eilers to get involved or look for the sign-up sheets in the narthex.

Farmers Against Hunger
In past years, FAH, located in Delran, has hosted an evening or afternoon of packing of fresh produce to be distributed to families in time for Thanksgiving. Many of you have participated in this fun activity and we’re looking for a volunteer to promote our participation again this year!

Thanksgiving Baskets for Bridge of Peace
Last year we provided grocery bags full of fixings and gift cards for a turkey to our sister church, Bridge of Peace, in Camden. We will continue this annual tradition in 2023 and if all goes as planned, we’ll also include fresh produce from the Farmers Against Hunger initiative. Contact Meghan to get involved.

Covid Pop-Up Clinic
The FDA has recently announced a new vaccine that will be available later this fall. We need someone to plan another clinic in partnership with Rowan Medical and our food pantry volunteers.

Covid Pop-Up Clinic
The FDA has recently announced a new vaccine that will be available later this fall. We need someone to plan another clinic in partnership with Rowan Medical and our food pantry volunteers.

Coffee/Chocolate sales for Lutheran World Relief
We have an opportunity to sell Coffee and Chocolate to raise money for Lutheran World Relief. This is the perfect time to initiate such a program in anticipation of the holidays. Your help is needed to get things started. Contact Denise Cole for more information.

Red Cross Blood Drive
SMLC will host a Blood Drive January, 19, 2024. We need volunteers to call and schedule donors, provide transportation to a handful of donors, and be present during the drive.
While these are great examples of our loving participation in helping our local and global communities, this is not an exhaustive list. There is always something new happening at SMLC and we need your time, talent and ideas!! No act of love is too small.
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (NIV)Ephesians 2:10