How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house,
and you give them drink from the river of your delights.
For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light. – Psalm 36:7-9 (NRSVUE)
This is the time of year that I always seem to find myself realizing how far behind I am in eating the produce I froze from last summer. I see the gallon bags of blueberries and bell pepper pieces in my freezer and realize I have more than enough to last until the summer. The year seems to flow in a familiar way. July and August the produce from the farms is so abundant. I enjoy eating what I can fresh, and then get busy freezing what’s left. By the fall, it is time to focus on a different set of vegetables to be harvested (ones I am less inclined to freeze). December is holiday food time. By January in theory I should be eating what I worked so hard to freeze over the summer, but in practice I start thinking that I need to pace myself to make sure I have enough to get through the winter. By the end of February, I realize that I had more than enough all along and I better start eating. My freezer is still over-full and I need to enjoy the flavors while they are still good.
It is frequently amazing to me how hard we make it on ourselves to enjoy abundance. Either we take it for granted (how easy it is by the end of July to say “not another blueberry!”) or we treat things as so precious that we can’t use them. This is my freezer full of blueberries, or the “good plates” that we would never actually eat on because they are to be saved for an incredibly special moment that will probably never occur. It takes conscious effort to enjoy and savor something while not hoarding it away until it is no longer of value.
God is a God of abundance. With God, there is always more than enough. How often, though, we try to ration and control the gifts God gives. How often we leave blessings stacked up in the freezer, trying to conserve what is ready to use. What experience of God’s grace and love might you have stashed away that it is time to start feeling? Where might God’s comfort be waiting for you? What gifts and talents that God has given you might be due to be put to use? Perhaps it is time to clear out the freezer in your life and enjoy the goodness.