Time to take out your calendars and note the upcoming FCC events!
WEATHER PERMITTING— During the month of May, the 8:30 AM Sunday Worship Service will be held outdoors when weather permits.

May 2nd
Tea & Talk
Held on Thursdays from 10:30 – 11:30 via Zoom. All are welcome to join in a casual hourlong chat. Approximately 5-10 members gather each week to discuss whatever topics come to mind. From serious to lighthearted. Reach out to Karen Widin for the Zoom link.

Sunday May 5 11:45AM
The SMLC Congregational Council has called a special Congregational Meeting for Sunday May 5 at 11:45 a.m. to present recommendations to the congregation for proceeding with the building construction project.

May 7th
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

May 7th 4:30-5pm
First Communion Class
Classes held in Fellowship Hall for children in grade 2 or older who have not yet begun to receive communion but would like to do so. If you are interested in being in the classes, please contact Costantino.

May 7th 7pm “Common Ground” Movie Screening
The film explores how regenerative agriculture can help reverse environmental damage caused by modern industrial agricultural practices,
use healthy soils to mitigate climate change-inducing carbon, and address food disparities.

May 8th
Contemplative Prayer
Our monthly Contemplative Prayer group is a time to slow down and be aware of God in our midst. The May contemplative prayer meeting will be on May 8 from 7:30-8:30. The group meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Those who wish to join by Zoom can finds the link in the Tuesday e-mail or contact Pastor Eric.

May 14th
Sights & Insights
Pastor’s weekly devotions are distributed in the Tuesday email and on the website.

May 14th 9am Gardening Help Needed
Carla and Ray Elberson will host a group to help weed the beds. Bring gardening gloves, your water bottle, and any weeding tools you have. If you’d like to participate and can spare time to participate on other days and times, please contact Carla and Ray. They will work with your availability.

May 14th 4:30-5pm
First Communion Class
Classes held in Fellowship Hall for children in grade 2 or older who have not yet begun to receive communion but would like to do so. If you are interested in being in the classes, please contact Costantino.

Adult Forum May 19 9:15am
We will have an Adult Forum on May 19 at 9:15 in the church library. We will welcome Cole Johnson from SCREEN New Jersey, to talk about his work to promote laws that limit access by minors to inappropriate websites. Learn more.

May 19th First Communion and Confirmation Class Service Projects.
First Communion classes are for children in grade 2 or older who have not yet begun to receive communion but would like to do so. If you are interested in being in the classes, please contact Costantino.

May 31st Phillies Game
Phillies Game at 6:40pm. Cost is $36/person. The theme is Irish Heritage Day. See the signup table in the Narthex to purchase tickets.