The Mount Laurel Living Nativity

The Mount Laurel Living Nativity is a live production with 13 walk-through, outdoor scenes and 200 cast and crew each night.

It is a completely free to the community that has been run for over 25 years at Fellowship Community Church. You’ll walk through scenes depicting the full story of Christmas and beyond, ending with home-made cookies and hot chocolate inside.

Instructions: When you arrive and enter the building, you will be given a group number and seated in the sanctuary. While waiting, you can enjoy the live entertainment until your group is called. Once your group begins, it takes about 45 minutes to walk through all the scenes. Most of the scenes are outside, so bundle up! Your tour finishes in the gym where that are homemade cookies and hot chocolate waiting.

A group from our church will be attending this year on December 2nd. Doors open at 5 p.m. and remain open until 8p.m. each night. We plan on arriving for the 5 p.m. tour and then going out for dinner after the event. If you are interested in going out to dinner, please sign-up in the Narthex).

For details including weather updates please visit the website. For questions, contact Karen Widin or Peggy Marks.