In April the Green Team received the most exciting email from a teacher in Alabama, who was teaching an environmental science lesson to some elementary students. When they were conducting a webquest on Earth Day they found our Green Team page on the church’s website. The students thought it was so helpful that they asked the teacher to let us know how much they appreciated the information they were using.
The boundaries of our neighborhood and the impact our Green Team efforts make far exceed the township lines.
The students decided it would be nice to return the favor, so Ms P., the teacher, had them pick out a good resource to share with St. Matthew’s congregation. Part of their project was learning about steps we can take at home to be more eco-friendly, and they picked out a great guide to being green at home…. “Guide to Going Green at Home“
“It’s great for kids – we were most interested in learning about reducing our footprint, so they thought it’d be a helpful link for you to add to your Green team page,” Ms. P. wrote. “They’d be so proud and I’d love to show them their suggestion :)If it’s not too much trouble we’d really appreciate it.”
Here is the letter sent by Brian Lestini.
Dear Ms. P., Jessica, Jocelyn, Adam, and Madalyn –
Please allow me to introduce myself, I am the chairperson of the St. Matthew Lutheran Church Green Team located in Moorestown, NJ. First, I would like to express how delighted we were to receive your email, and we are so appreciative of your letting us know that you found our website to be helpful!
We also greatly appreciate your providing us with the link to the Going Green Guide, which we will certainly be happy to add to our list of resources on the website. It takes many of us coming together to share information in order to better protect our environment, and we always welcome the opportunity to learn from others.
You and your students and classmates are to be commended for your dedication and passion in caring for the Earth, which is our common home. We are all stewards of our natural world, and it is inspiring to know that young people such as those in your class are committed to preserving and protecting the environment for ourselves and for future generations.
Please do keep us posted on your progress. Also, would it be OK if we shared your note in our church newsletter, as I know it would be most inspiring to our congregation. Of course, we will remove the names and contact information from the letter.
Thank you again, and please keep up the great work. Our planet needs you!
Very best regards,
Brian Lestini