As we approach the cool crisp months of fall, it is also time to start preparing for our annual Thanksgiving bag donation drive to help the Bridge of Peace Food Pantry in Camden. We have been so successful in years past that we are hoping to keep that momentum going again this year, with all of your generous help of course! If you are not able to shop for the listed items but still wish to donate, we will graciously accept monetary donations and get the shopping done for you. We are also in need of reusable shopping bags for distribution of the donations. Please let Meghan Campbell know if you have any questions! (Donations need to be in no later than Nov 20th as the distribution will be Nov 23rd).
For each basket we’re collecting:
- $25 Walmart gift card (for the turkey or other groceries)
- Boxed dry stuffing mix
- Boxed dry mashed potato mix
- 1lb bag of white rice
- Turkey gravy (dry mix or canned)
- Cans of cranberry sauce
- Cans of peas
- Dinner mints
- Heat-N-Serve rolls
- Reusable grocery bags