Food drive to support our annual “Thanksgiving Basket” project , which benefits the Thanksgiving Outreach Ministry at Bridge of Peace in Camden
Donations for Thanksgiving Baskets
The goal this year is to provide a food bag for about 70 families in Camden. The fixings for each bag costs approximately $30, which includes a turkey and all the goodies. Therefore, $2100 is needed for this effort by Nov. 16th. If you would like to make a donation, please make check payable to “Saint Matthew Lutheran Church” with your envelope no. & Thanksgiving Basket” in the memo.
Shopping for Thanksgiving Baskets
On Friday, November 21, 2014, 6:30 PM SMLC members of all ages are invited to participate in our annual shopping for Thanksgiving baskets for Bridge of Peace. We will meet at SMLC at 6:30 PM and carpool to Wegman’s where we will shop for turkeys and all the fixings for 70 families. After shopping, we will go back to SMLC to assemble the baskets.
Delivering the Thanksgiving Baskets
On Saturday , November 22, 9:30 AM we will deliver the Thanksgiving baskets to Bridge of Peace. Drivers are needed to make the delivery. We will be meeting at SMLC at 9:30AM to load the vehicles.
Please e-mail Rene Cherson if you are planning to participate.
For Parents of Sunday School Children
Food drive to support our annual “Thanksgiving Basket” project, which benefits the Thanksgiving Outreach Ministry at Bridge of Peace in Camden
The Sunday School classes will assist in this labor of love by contributing food items according to the list below. For the first three Sundays in November (2nd, 9th and 16th) we will be collecting these food items in the Sunday School classrooms. On Sunday, Nov. 16th the food will be carried forth by the children and presented at the altar – so we can give thanks to God for abundance and the opportunity to serve our neighbors in need.
- 3 yr. Olds: Dinner Mints
- Grades PK & K: Canned peas; Canned Corn
- Grades 1 & 2: Boxes (dry) Stuffing Mix; Cranberry Sauce
- Grades 3 & 4: Boxed (dry) mashed potato; 1 lb. bag white rice
- Grades 5 & 6: Lg. can sweet potatoes
- Grades 7 & 8: Turkey Gravy (dry mix or canned); Heat-n-serve rolls