Dear St Matthew Disciples,
Grace and Peace to you sisters and brothers in Christ, We Thank God For You! We thank God for your commitment to us here at Bridge of Peace Community Church and to the community we have been called to serve. We thank God for our continued relationship centered in the love, hope and power of Christ our Lord and King. We thank you for helping us to live out our common call and mission to serve all of God’s people.
In the past eight months, we have seen a sharp increase in the needs in our region. Many frontline and essential workers from Camden County have contracted or needed to quarantine due to COVID-19. We have provided supplemental food and assistance. We are serving people from ten towns in the area. We thank God for your ongoing support including this Thanksgiving.
We were able to sponsor more than 75 families with Thanksgiving Baskets, gift cards and referred other families to local resources. We continue to serve food every Monday night and expect to serve over 35,000 meals by years end thanks to our partners and many grants. We have registered people to vote, helped people complete their census, and referred people for mental health and domestic violence support.
Thank you for your continued support this past year including prayers, financial donations, thanksgiving bags, providing meals and crafts for our children and youth programs and so much more. We also thank Boy Scout Troop 42 from St. Matthew for delivering food for our PEACE Center food pantry twice this past year. We have had a blessed month and continue to pray for you through these challenging times and celebrate the new arrival of Pastor Trozzo to serve you in the years ahead. We hope and pray we will continue to find ways to work together in the year to come.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Giselle C. Coutinho and the Disciples at Bridge of Peace Community Church, ELCA