Stewardship Letter

September 30, 2024

Dear Friend in Ministry:

We think of our congregation as an extension of family.    We are so fortunate to have you as members of our extended family.  We are grateful for the blessings that have brought us closer over the past year.  Your generous contributions have allowed us to spread love, provide support, and have a significant impact not only for our congregation, but for the wider community.

This year, as we begin our annual giving pledge campaign, I invite you to continue this path of generosity with us.  Your gifts over the past year have allowed us to support all of the projects so important to us as a congregation. We hope to continue these traditions and include even more projects.

Our theme this year is “Rejoice with me”.  This means celebrating all of the things for which we have to be thankful.  There are many: our choir, our food pantry, the Green Team, and too many others to mention. 

Your continued support will allow us to carry on with in our mission endeavors, and other   community outreach programs

Later this month, you will receive a pledge card for 2025.  I realize financial decisions can be difficult, especially during these challenging times.  Please consider your pledge prayerfully.  As you consider what you are able to give, think about how much St. Matthews means to you.  It is a place where we find refuge, where we feel loved, and where we are closer to God.  It is a place where we share with our extended family the blessings of God. 

The pledge cards should be placed in the collection plate during services on October 27, 2024. 

Your generosity is greatly appreciated.  Let us rejoice and be grateful together!

Lois Duffy
Congregational Resources and Stewardship Chair