Do you find yourself stressed? Stressed for no specific reason but just a general case of the doldrums? What a foreboding word— doldrums. Say it out loud a few times, the word even sounds gloomy. You know you need to get over the feeling, but how? An article on inspired living listed 21 positivity boosters. Consider these three:

  1. Change up your morning routine. Take some time in the morning to look out the window at the wonders of nature around you. Look for the creatures that are busy with their morning routines. Maybe you can see birds or squirrels or rabbits. The other day a frequent visitor, a rabbit, was followed by a much smaller bunny. Looks like the mama rabbit was showing the youngster the way to the best bird food buffet in town! Or maybe, it is the flowers that catch your eye. Are there blooms that you have planted that are greeting the morning? A child once observed that dandelions must be Jesus’ favorite flower because he planted them everywhere.
  2. Say a prayer for someone you do not know. Does a fellow shopper appear frustrated by a line at the supermarket? Is a young mother struggling to get the kids in the car before the sky opens with an unexpected downpour? How about the delivery driver getting in and out of the delivery truck in the sweltering heat? All of us could use an unexpected prayer now and then, so lift a stranger up in prayer.
  3. Dance and sing like no one is watching. If you share a home with others, what a great opportunity to put your arms around someone and just move to the music. If you live alone, you can dance with reckless abandon. Who is to know you really love Bee Gee’s music that celebrates “stayin alive, stayin alive”? If you share your home with pets, your cat will most likely look at you with indifference or your pup will dance right along with you.

Sometimes the doldrums are not that easy to get over. Your worries have become a burden too heavy to carry alone. If so, consider calling either Pastor Eric or Sue Kuhn who can connect you with a Stephen Minister; someone who has been trained to be the compassionate, confidential listener to help you.

Trish Myers, Stephen Ministry Leader