Stephen Ministry

A Thank You

The following letter from one of the church’s first care receivers was sent to me on June 11, 2002 to publish in the Messenger:

Dear Saint Matthew Church,

I would like to thank you for bringing the Stephen Ministry into our parish.

It has been almost a year since I first met my caregiver and cannot believe that it has been that long. I really went in with the attitude of “Okay, I’ll try it and probably won’t last more than a few weeks” as I was hesitant to opening-up with a “stranger”. However, very quickly, I learned differently. I began to look forward to our weekly meetings. I now know I am never being judged and that everything that I share is kept with confidentiality which is very important to me.

I haven’t been able to be in church in a while, but I am kept up-to-date with all the happenings which I have missed being a part of. I, also, am now getting recorded services that make me feel like I am a real part of the congregation while being at home. What a great feeling!

I applaud all those who have been trained for this ministry. Everyone has worked very hard, and I strongly recommend this to anyone who needs a Christian listener, friend, or, like me now, almost a “family member” with which to share some difficult times. I now thank God for bringing this person into my life.

A Grateful Care Receiver

NEWS! We need more Stephen Ministers. In January, 2024 the Stephen Ministry Team plans to begin a new class for training Stephen Ministers. If you would like to be a part of this life-changing, lay-ministry, please talk with Stephen Leaders Trish Myers or Sue Kuhn. Any Stephen Minister, also, will be able to answer questions about the ministry.

Sue Kuhn, Stephen Leader