Stephen Ministry

“Be still and know that I am God.”

Psalm 46:10 

This beloved quote from Psalm 46 is one that we often see on stationery, or on wall hangings, or that you might even have highlighted in your Bible. I know that I have. The psalmist is reminding us to rest in the Lord; to take our problems and our joys to God and then rest. 

So here is another way to read the psalm: “Be silent and listen to the Lord.” Wonder if you have ever noticed that the words silent and listen have the same letters? And that this is what a Stephen Minister does when spending time with their Care Receiver? They are silent and listening to you. They are listening to your concerns and fears and then offering prayer and Scripture passages for you to ponder upon. A Stephen Minister has been specially trained to be silent and to listen to give you a chance to share. What a gift to have someone just listen to us. If you feel you a Stephen Minister could be just what you need right now, please contact Pastor Eric or Sue Kuhn and they can set you up with one.