After years of planning, the Congregation has approved plans to move forward with the construction of a new addition providing needed restrooms and a sacristy that are handicap accessible. The two approved resolutions include hiring the General Contractor (M. Wilkinson Construction Company of Maple Shade) recommended by the Facilities Planning Subcommittee and assembling a Project Financing Package that would include proceeds from a 5-Year Capital Appeal, a 25-year loan of up to $400,000 from the ELCA Mission Investment Fund, and short-term borrowing from our Memorial Fund. The Finance Committee is assembling this Package, which will ultimately require approval by the Congregation Council before the Project will proceed.
Moving forward with this needed Accessibility Project depends upon the success of the Capital Appeal. Please give prayerful thought to this Appeal and donate, as you are able, to help ensure the its success.
Mailers explaining the project and asking for your support were mailed to members and included in all communications. Donations to the Capital Appeal are being requested both as up-front gifts and as installments of larger gifts over a 5-year period. For planning purposes, please return your pledge as soon as possible. You may also pledge through our website or our secure Simply Giving page. Thank you!
Additional Pledge cards are available in the narthex.