Special Congregation Meeting

A Special Congregation Meeting was held on Sunday, March 8. There was one service at 9:30am. The meeting started at 10:45am. Childcare was provided in the nursery during the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to vote on a recommendation of the Council to discuss and vote to sell SMLC’s interest/ownership in the Hassinger Estate property. Tom Cassel and Brian Slaugh gave a presentation to explain the intent of the recommendation and answer any questions posed by the congregation. Other members of the church also presented information and expressed question and concerns.

After the discussion a vote was called on the following recommendation: At its Jan. 20th Meeting, the Congregation Council voted to recommend that the Congregation approve the sale of: (a) land owned by SMLC known as Block 4307, Lot 32 on the current Moorestown Township tax map; and (b) SMLC’s interest in the “Church Apartment” as defined in the Lease between SMLC and Herman Hassinger dated 9/11/81, under terms and conditions deemed reasonable and in the best interests of SMLC by the Congregation Council. This approval shall expire in six (6) months unless renewed by vote of the Congregation.

Motion to accept SMLC Council Recommendation made by Dick Graybill. Motion seconded.
Motion carried. Yeas 68, Nays: 7, Abstentions 1.

—Submitted by Karen Widin