Social Ministry Update May 2021

—Connie O’Brien 

At times like these, it is difficult not to be overwhelmed by what is happening in our world. The Chauvin Trial, attacks on Asian-Americans, and of course, shootings—mass shootings and “police” shootings. Do not to despair. Have faith. God is good and we are called to do his work with our hands. 

I am very happy to report that the Social Ministry has completed its first ‘Freed in Christ” Workshop on March 29. On behalf of all who participated, I would like to extend very special thanks to Karen Widin, Kate Rauscher and Sue Kuhn who initiated and kicked off the program. Karen Widin especially deserves our thanks for all of her faithful work and deep thinking to modify the content, lead the discussions and gather the notes and actions going for-ward. She is also adept at keeping a talkative and thoughtful group on schedule! 

During the workshop we learned, among other things, that while SMLC has done much good in public service to social concerns, there is so much more we can do to fight racism in our hearts, our church and our community. We have collected our current actions and ideas for new initiatives around Public Leadership, Public Witness and Deliberation and Advocacy. Please attend our congregation-wide meeting on May 18, to learn more about our ideas and to participate in this important work. We will also be considering starting a second “Freed in Christ” Workshop. So be sure to reach out to me or Kim for the ZOOM link. —Denise Cole, chair 

Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” The Talmud 


Bridge of Peace’s Food Pantry has remained open weekly during COVID. Over 25-30 families are served each week. Since COVID-19 food donations have been halted. Please consider making a special donation to St. Matthew, mark BOP FOOD PANTRY in your check memo. 

Due to COVID the Children/Youth Group is held virtually on Facebook LIVE each week. Check out BoP Facebook live at 6pm each Tuesday, May 4th 

St. Matthew is providing a hot meal to go 25 youth. Please contact Lisa Merrill to help. —Lisa Merrill 


/Moorestown Ministerium Food Pantry  OPEN 1st & 3rd Monday 12-2pm & 5-7pm 

To drop off large food donations: Please email Connie O’Brien ( 

The pantry continues to operate outside; bags in trunks and extra items to choose from carts. Helping all who need us. Canned tomatoes, canned beans and jelly are the most needed items. Thanks for your ongoing support.