God’s Work Our Hands Sunday
Here at St Matthew Lutheran Church, Social Ministry is the work we do to advocate for justice, serve those in need, and promote peace in society. While we have a long tradition of providing generous financial support to many organizations in our community, we are also called to serve God with our hearts and our hands.
After the services on October 13, we will be hosting a day of service for God’s Work, Our Hands which will include:
- A “How To” demonstration to knit prayer squares for Seafarers International
- Collection for Burlington County Animal Shelter, (see attached list for items to donate)
- Flowers and Cookies for our Shut-InsGardening for Moorestown Parks and Recreation
- Decorating Placemats and Cards for the Society of St Vincent de Paul.
So please do come and join us on the 13th for a day of service to our local and international communities!
In addition to God’s Work Our Hands, other opportunities for service include:
- Red Cross Blood Drive – October 4, 2024, & January 17, 2025, and March 15, 2025. We need volunteers to call and register donors and to welcome both the Red Cross and Donors at our church.
- Farmers Against Hunger – A signature SMLC Service Event (and by far my family’s favorite) to pack bags of fresh produce for local food deserts, including Bridge of Peace in Camden. We are targeting November 22, the Friday evening before Thanksgiving. We need help sending invitations and tracking respondents. We’ll also need SUV/Large vehicle owners to transport produce to Bridge of Peace in Camden.
Finally, we are trying to take on some new projects:
- A week-long Appalachian Service Project in Tennessee, Kentucky or West Virginia next summer.
- Gleanings of surplus produce at our local farms
- Partnering with our Scouts group to create a free library for our community
- Planting and maintaining our pollinator garden and grounds at SMLC
We are looking for other ideas and suggestions. Please contact Denise Cole to volunteer to help launch a new project.
Burlington County Animal Shelter Donation List