Mission statement
“To reveal the connection of our congregation and community to God’s presence in the natural world, by fostering a culture of environmental reflection, engagement and stewardship.”
Pop Quiz
Where was this picture taken?
- Rancocas Creek
- The Jersey Shore
- A remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific
3. A remote, uninhabited island in the South Pacific
- Henderson Island
- UNSECO World Heritage Site
- 37.7 million debris items Accumulating 3,700 pieces/day
The ELCA Statement on Environment (1993)
- Human beings are called to care for the creation because we are full participants in the creation itself.
- The way we are to participate should imitate the way God cares for the creation–as a servant king.
- Rooted in the vision of God’s care for creation while troubled by signs of sin and yet empowered by the hope of creation’s fulfillment, the statement calls people of faith to carry out a calling to care for creation guided by principles of justice.
Task for the Church
- Creation-awareness and education
- Imitate God’s care for creation in our life and activity as a church
- Be a community of moral deliberation, and a venue for civic deliberation about caring for creation
- Provide for and foster public policy advocacy
- Foster and support corporate social responsibility
Thousands of plant species rely on pollinators
- Apples
- blueberries
- chocolate
- coffee
- almonds…
The US has lost more than 50% of honeybee colonies over the last 20 years
- Pesticides
- Disease
- Loss of habitat
Church grounds provide ideal places to offer habitat, and teach about caring for these important creatures within God’s creation.
Saturday April 14 (Spring Cleanup)
- Bed preparation
- Topsoil
- Hardscape features (bench, water basin)
Saturday April 21
- Planting
- Mulching
- Foyer Decoration
Sunday April 22 (Earth Day)
Dedication ceremony
How can we work together to better care for God’s creation?
Help us help you! Please involve us for:
- Presentations and activities across Ministries
- Environmental consultation on projects
- Joint publicity and fundraising
Sustainability plan
- Presentation to council
- “Action plan”
Joint activities can help drive evangelism and memberengagement
Contacts and Resources
SMLC Green Team
Lutheran and Interfaith Environmental Resources