September Greetings from CLF!

Though it can be tough to say goodbye to summer, Christian Learning Formation has been working to prepare for the return of Saint Matthew activities and Sunday School! Sunday September 10th is God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday! The FCC has planned three activities for members to Live the Love and spread joy within the community. There will be garden work in a local park (TBD), arranging and delivering flowers to the homebound members of the congregation, and finally, assembling Back to School Kits for Lutheran World Relief.

Sunday September 17th is Saint Matthew Day and therefore a fun, but busy day!! We will return to two worship services that begin at 8:30 and then 10:30 a.m.. On this day, Pastor Eric will install the members of Council, and will also Bless the Backpackers! We will start our new Sunday School theme “Hero Hotline: Called to Serve God.” To kick things off, we would love to have everyone wear their favorite superhero tee or outfit or costume! We are so excited to get back with the kiddos- and all children from Kindergarten to 8th Grade are invited to join us. Finally, after the 10:30 worship, we will meet for our Saint Matthew picnic in the grove. Please let Peggy or Karen know if you would like to help in any way!

Adult Forum will resume on September 24th, and will be held monthly throughout the year. Confirmation Class will be held Sunday, October 1st, from 4:00-6:00. Confirmands and their parents should plan to attend.