In the New Year, I thank God and our congregation for the opportunity to continue to serve as your council president. My first year on council was spent as the chairperson for Evangelism and in this second year as president. Both experiences have been very rewarding in several ways. I’ve been able to develop expanded relationships within the congregation, obtained greater appreciation of the time, talent, and treasure required of this congregation to fulfill our church mission, and have grown spiritually. It’s hard to believe I had reservations about serving on council two years ago when I was asked to consider it, but then I didn’t know the benefits and experiences I would gain would be so rewarding. The biggest reward for me is seeing all the wonderful ministry work being performed, to the glory of God in the name of Jesus, as a result of your monetary offerings and unselfish contribution of time and priceless gift of talent.
Council is currently in need of leaders for two very important ministries, Youth & Family and Parish Life. If you are looking for a way to enrich your personal life and serve this family of faith, I encourage you to speak with the pastor, myself, or any church council member(s) for additional information about these opportunities.
Our January Semi-Annual Congregation meeting is scheduled for Sunday, the 26th (please mark your calendar accordingly).
The primary business for this meeting is to obtain congregation approval of a 2014 budget. This is the time for all members of the congregation to ask questions, voice thoughts and opinions, gain a better understanding of the budget and, in the end, vote to approve a budget in support of our ministries and church mission for 2014.
Following the semi-annual meeting, Rene Cherson will be officially stepping down as Council Secretary, having served 8 years of dedicated and faithful service in this position. In accordance with our Constitution, the Congregation Council elected Lorraine Horton to complete Rene’s current term, which expires in June 2015. We are so very thankful for Lorraine’s continued service to our congregation and her willingness to serve on council as our Secretary.
As I look forward to the New Year, I am reminded of the ELCA theme “Always Being Made New” and how this is accomplished each and every day by “God’s Work, Our Hands.” Do you have a hand in doing God’s work?
Make this a blessed New Year.
Dick Graybill