It was with enormous shock and so much sadness that choir members read the email sent by Dave Harp telling us he would no longer be the Cantor at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church.
We welcomed Dave as Director of Music in April 2005, following Sheila Huff. We felt so fortunate to have such a talented musician with a strong background in Lutheran Church music – graduate of St. Olaf College where he sang in the St. Olaf Choir, and Luther Seminary where he sang in the National Lutheran Choir and additional studies at Westminster Choir College. He had been Director of Music at a Lutheran church in Portland, OR and worked with the American Boy Choir School in Princeton. He came to us from Resurrection Lutheran Church in Levittown, PA where he had been Director of Music.
During the 19 years Dave has been here he has directed the Adult Vocal Choir, choosing anthems that reflect the lessons and the Gospel and has worked with the pastors to select appropriate hymns. He has also directed the Adult Bell Choir to ring on special occasions, including Easter and Christmas. In addition he directed a children’s choir and worked with Sunday school students to learn about Lutheran church music. A highlight of many years was the Christmas Concert, planned by Dave with a particular theme based on a line from a hymn, a poem or some other inspirational source. There were musical pieces and readings following the theme. The musical pieces chosen were a challenge, as well as an inspiration to those of us who participated, and much appreciated by people who attended.
Dave had several mentors through his years of musical training. The first one was his mother, who was organist and choir director for their Lutheran church in Brighton, Colorado. She started him in violin in kindergarten and piano in first grade. His parents visited our church many times through the years. His mother would play organ and piano duets with Dave, which we always loved hearing. The last time she visited was for a Christmas Eve service when she played a beautiful organ/piano duet with her granddaughter Aurelia.
Several years ago Dave requested to have his job title changed from Director of Music to Cantor. He explained it is an historical term among Lutherans as “Leader of the People’s Song”. In other words his job is to use whatever resources are available to help lead the congregation in song: vocal choir, bell choir, instrumentalists, drums, piano, organ, etc. Dave has certainly done that throughout his time with us.
For many years new members often said one of the main reasons for joining our congregation was the music program. Dave built the program in different ways during his time as our Cantor. He has challenged the choirs with some difficult music. There have been times when he became frustrated with us, because we did not do what he wanted, but together we kept trying until he was pleased.
The pandemic was a very difficult time for Dave, as it was for all church musicians, because he could not lead “the people’s song”. However, he was confident we would sing again, as the hymn states, “through the church, the song goes on”. And it certainly has under Dave’s talented and dedicated leadership.
Thank you Dave, for teaching us about Lutheran music traditions, for challenging us, for playing wonderful organ and piano pieces, and for leading us in the people’s song. We will surely miss you as our Cantor, but we are happy we will continue to see you and Kristin and Aurelia in our congregation. God go with you and bless you as you continue your life journey.
Submitted by Rozella Bower