President’s Message


Sunday, March 8, 10:45am

There will be a  Special Congregation Meeting, Sunday, March 8, 10:45am. NOTE: There will be only one worship service that day, at 9:30am. Child care will be provided during the meeting. The meeting is called to only discuss the possible sale of St. Matthew’s interests/ownership in the property next door behind the 7-11 known as the Hassinger Estate property.

Background Information: The land (0.43 acre) was originally purchased in 1973 for $1,800 by St. Matthew with funds donated by a congregation member. In 1981 St. Matthew leased the land to architect Herman Hassinger, also a congregation member, for 99 years for a nominal annual rent of $1. Mr. Hassinger built the current 4-unit professional office building on the land including a 2- bedroom apartment for St. Matthew’s exclusive use. The land and the apartment are St. Matthew’s ‘interests’ in the property. Mr. Hassinger died in 2012. The ‘interest’ of the Hassinger Estate is ownership of the building, excluding the church apartment, until the end of the lease term in 2080. The Estate would like to sell the building. The cleanest way for this sale to proceed is for St. Matthew and the Estate to combine their respective interests and sell the land and building together, with a negotiated split of the sale proceeds.

The sale of any St. Matthew property requires the approval of the congregation. It became clear at our February 9th meeting that many in the congregation want to more fully understand and consider the options available to us, including the possibility of a sale. The Special Meeting on March 8th will be limited to consideration of these options and possible sale of the Hassinger Estate property. Additional information on these options will be provided to the congregation in advance of the special meeting. Come, learn more, and provide your opinion and input.

At the Annual Meeting, held on Feb. 9, we also considered revisions to the St. Matthew Constitution — revisions that keep us up to date with the ELCA model Constitution. While Council recommended approval of the changes, the congregation voted to table approval for the time being so that members could have more time to consider the changes. We  are planning some educational events to help explain the proposed updates.

Finally, Council in January approved a Capital Campaign to raise $120,000. The proceeds will be used to repay the congregation approved loan from our Memorial Fund. That loan was used to pay for the accessible rear entrance to the Education wing; a new roof on the Sanctuary; replace the alarm panel; and LED lighting in the sanctuary. Rene Cherson is heading the Capital Campaign.

Yours in Christ,
John O’Meara,
Council President