Peace, Love, and Flip-Flops: Sunday School Adventures

Peace Socks

Sunday School Notes

For the past month, kiddos in Sunday School have been engaging in activities that teach us how to use our feet as instruments of peace and how to use our feet to spread God’s love! We decorated “Socks of Peace”, played a “Shoes of Peace” mountain racing game, and had to find our “Peace Flip Flops”. On February 9th, we spent some time decorating Valentine’s Day cards to send to members of the congregation that are in our prayers. 

We have two reminders for Sunday School parents.

The first is that we would like to fulfill our  commitment to support the erection of a Little Library that is expected to be built in the Spring; so please send in your loose change with your kiddos! We also want to remind you that though winter is winding down, there is still a small chance you will receive communication from a Sunday School leader cancelling on a Sunday in the event of hazardous conditions. 

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes will be held March 23rd and April 13th.


Melissa Fickes-Feeney, CLF Chairperson