Bridging Sacred Stories
Dear Mission Partners, Prayer Partners and Friends,
Join us to hear how the Delaware Mission District is seeking to partner together to address a $22,000 shortfall in the spending plan of Bridge of Peace Community Church, ELCA.
Bridge of Peace has been receiving funding from the ELCA as a newly organized congregation since 2006 and no longer qualifies for funding under this category. We need everyone’s thoughts and prayers to keep this vital ministry with and among people living in poverty continuing into the future. Come share sacred stories and be the church together.
We are asking pastors, congregational leaders, and social ministry representatives to join us Friday, Nov. 17, 2017, 7:30pm at Temple Lutheran Church in Pennsauken, NJ.
In Christ’s Service,
Delaware Mission District
Bridge of Peace Event Planning Team
Casserole Makers Are Invited to Bridge of Peace on Tues., Nov. 28, 6-7:30pm
Bridge of Peace will host a post-Thanksgiving supper for our casserole makers, cookie bakers, confirmands, youth group and their families. Sign up on bulletin board if you are interested. For more info, contact Lisa Merrill.
Food Pantry Needs Drivers for Food Delivery
Sign up to deliver food on the Bridge of Peace bulletin board (next to the mailboxes). If 12 people sign up each person will only deliver once per year.
Book Donations
Please donate new and barely used books for 3-year olds thru 12th grade. Place books in the large bin located in foyer thru December 3rd.
Christmas Pizza Party
Welcome all ages 0-99 Dec. 12, 6:30-8pm at SMLC. Members of St. Matthew and our partner church, Bridge of Peace, will gather together for food and fun! Come enjoy pizza, salad, cupcakes, sing-alongs, games, prizes and books!