Sunday Worship
8:30AM Worship – spoken liturgy.
9:00AM Vocal Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship. View bulletin & YouTube worship link.
11:30AM Fellowship Time
318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ
856-235-2055 •
I’m New Here! Learn about visiting St. Matthew.
Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule
Wednesdays during Lent
7PM Evening Prayer
7:30-8:30PM Pastor’s Class
The Basics of Christianity
Maundy Thursday
7PM Worship
Good Friday
4PM Family Service
7:30PM Full Liturgy Service
Easter Sunday
7:30AM Sunrise Service
note: due to construction outside the Sunrise service may be held inside.
10:30AM Easter Service

December Adult Forum Schedule
The Adult Forum is held from 9:15-10:15 on Sunday mornings in the church library and can be accessed through Zoom. All are welcome to join as you are able. December 1st—The Church Year As the new church year begins, take a moment to look at why the church has a unique...

Christmas Giving Tree Benefiting Oaks Integrated Care Gifts Due 12/15
On November 17, our Sunday School students decorated the tags for the Christmas Giving Tree. This service project benefits children receiving a variety of services from Oaks Integrated Care in Westhampton. Oaks was founded 50 years ago by a group of volunteers and has...

Celebrate Advent and Christmas with St. Matthew Lutheran Church Moorestown
Advent devotion books This year we have a booklet called “Let Your Light Shine” that includes a prayer for each day of the season. There are also a variety of family devotional resources to use with children to help be prepared for Christmas. The family materials are...

Something Big is Coming!
On April 16, 2025, Saint Matthew Lutheran Church will be 75 years old! Since that date falls during Holy Week, we will postpone our celebration until Sunday, May 4, 2025. There will be a Special Worship Service at10:30 am followed by a Celebratory Luncheon at the...

Present Over Presents: Finding God’s Grace in the Whirlwind of the Season
This time of year is a time of excitement and exhaustion. The two go together. It is a time of high expectations, many events planned, hopes, and memories. Hopes, expectations, and plans are exciting but can also weigh us down. Memories can anchor us or lead to a...

Stephen Ministries: Then, Now, and Looking Forward
Founded in 1975 by Dr. Kenneth Haugk and his wife, the program was housed in the Haugks' garage. The program was created to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties. The first...