Sunday Worship
8:30AM Worship – spoken liturgy.
9:00AM Vocal Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship. View bulletin & YouTube worship link.
11:30AM Fellowship Time
318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ
856-235-2055 •
I’m New Here! Learn about visiting St. Matthew.
Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule
Wednesdays during Lent
7PM Evening Prayer
7:30-8:30PM Pastor’s Class
The Basics of Christianity
Maundy Thursday
7PM Worship
Good Friday
4PM Family Service
7:30PM Full Liturgy Service
Easter Sunday
7:30AM Sunrise Service
note: due to construction outside the Sunrise service may be held inside.
10:30AM Easter Service

Upstander Workshop 3/10 1-3:30PM
God’s love comes to us in Christ, and the Holy Spirit enables us, calls us, to live out that love. Learn how to be an Upstander (not just a bystander) to help combat racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism and other "isms." Open to all ages 12 and up. We will open...

March Adult Forum Schedule
Adult Forum is held on Sundays at 9:15am in the Library March 3 4 Styles of Making Decisions Together An interactive conversation with Pastor Wendolyn Trozzo on managing conflicts, big and little, in our daily living and big picture. We’ll look at Biblical characters...

Can We … Fill the shelves for the Ministerium Food Pantry
The churches in Moorestown will hold a food drive to stock the Ministerium Food Pantry for assigned months of the year. Saint Matthew Lutheran church is responsible for the months March and June. For our March drive, we’re hoping to fill our shelves with any...

What’s new and upcoming At Stephen Ministries March 6th & 7th
So much has changed, so much remains the same Some noteworthy events from the year 1975 were the popularity of Disco music and dance. The novelty of pet rocks, magic 8 balls and Pez candy dispensers. People were listening to music on 8-tracks. The cost of a quart of...

Branch Sunday
The tradition of a procession the Sunday before Easter, remembering Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem, dates back centuries. It dates to at least the beginning of the Middle Ages if not further back. In the Medieval era these processions could become quite elaborate,...

Stories of the Early Church
On Feb 8 Sandy Meany and Dave Stewart entertained members of the OWLS over lunch with stories of the early church. Their parents were among the founding members of St. Matthew Lutheran Church, beginning when worship services were held at the community house. Together,...