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Sundays 9:30am Worship In-person or on our YouTube Channel

Green Team

Connecting Our Congregation with God’s Natural World

Sunday Worship

8:30AM Worship – spoken liturgy.
9:00AM Vocal Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship. View bulletin & YouTube worship link.
11:30AM Fellowship Time

318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ
856-235-2055 • stmatthew@stmatthew-lutheran.org

I’m New Here! Learn about visiting St. Matthew.


Christmas Worship Schedule

Dec 24 Christmas Eve
4:00 PM Christmas Eve Family Service with candle lighting & communion
7:00 PM  Christmas Eve traditional liturgy with candle lighting & communion No choir.
10:00 PM Christmas Cantata.
10:30 PM. Christmas Eve traditional liturgy with candle lighting, communion & choir

Sunday, December 29th
9:30am (one service only). No Sunday School or Adult Forum. Regular schedule resumes Jan. 5th.


Stephen Ministries: Then, Now, and Looking Forward

Stephen Ministries: Then, Now, and Looking Forward

Founded in 1975 by Dr. Kenneth Haugk and his wife, the program was housed in the Haugks' garage. The program was created to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties. The first...

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2024 Unfinished Business: Deficit Reduction

2024 Unfinished Business: Deficit Reduction

Submitted by Tom Cassel We have some important unfinished business to wrap up before the end of the year. Earlier this year, the congregation approved St. Matthew’s 2024 operating budget with the understanding that a deficit reduction appeal would be needed near the...

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Weekly Devotions for 11/26

Weekly Devotions for 11/26

It was the duty of the trumpeters and singers together to make themselves heard in unison in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, and when the song was raised, with trumpets and cymbals and other musical instruments, in praise to the Lord, “For he is good,    for his...

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Weekly Devotions for 11/26

Weekly Devotions for 11/19

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.  – Psalm 62:8 (NRSVUE) I’ve been having all sorts of trouble with the engine in my car. Since August the oil pressure light has been coming on. Not constantly, but also...

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OWLS Holiday Luncheon December 5th at noon

OWLS Holiday Luncheon December 5th at noon

Come and share the spirit of Christmas. Older Wiser Lutheran Seniors will gather in the Library at Saint Matthew Lutheran Church in Moorestown, NJ for their annual Christmas luncheon on Thursday Dec. 5 at noon. Once again, Georgetti's Market and Catering in...

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Sunday Worship Schedule

8:30AM Worship – Spoken Liturgy
9:00AM Vocal Choir Rehearsal
9:15AM Adult Forum
9:30AM Sunday School
10:30AM Worship
11:30AM Fellowship
View bulletin & YouTube worship link.

318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ

New Here?

  • Talk with the pastor or one of the worship leaders on Sunday and let them know what you’re thinking. They may have some ideas.
  • Check out the calendar and attend an upcoming event that interests you.
  • Look through the pages on this website. Does a certain ministry strike you as interesting? Email or call the pastor to talk more about it or join us at one of the events to see if it is a good connection.

What's Happening This Week?

click here to learn more

Mission Statement

Saint Matthew Lutheran Church is a community of disciples reaching out through Christ in loving worship, witness, and service.