Looking back for a moment

With the leadership of Celeste Chamberlain, the new Kneedlers group has been busy with their needles creating hats and scarfs for Seafarers International. This Lutheran organization provides for the emotional, physical and practical needs of sailors from around the world. We provided 13 matching hats and scarf sets, 11 scarfs and 8 hats to help keep them warm while at sea.
And now looking ahead

Advent/Christmas crafts 12/8 4-6pm
Hope you have our Advent/Christmas craft event on your calendar. On Sunday, December 8th, from 4–6 p.m., we will be creating fun and beautiful crafts to give as gifts or to decorate your tree. We would like to make extras to deliver to our homebound members. So even if you don’t want one for yourself, you can come out to have fun making one for a homebound member, enjoying snacks and music, and learning how to make beautiful bows. There will be activities for all ages.

Epiphany celebration on Sunday January 5, 2025
On Sunday January 5th during the Sunday School hour we will learn about how Epiphany is celebrated around the world. In some countries it is more important that Christmas and this is the day Children receive their gifts. Games, Kings Cake and more…hope to see you there. What a terrific way to start the new year by attending worship and Sunday School—children and adults
Birthday Card Ministry

And now something new under our Congregational Care umbrella.
Thank you Marian Duda and Andrew Delaney for beginning the new ministry of sending birthday cards to our members over 60. We will love receiving the cards.
And don’t forget our Card ministry to those just needing a lift and a prayer.