July 10th-14th from 9:00am – 12:00noon
First Presbyterian Church
- Children classes 9am-12pm
- Adult classes 5:30pm-7pm
- Please contact Rev. Wenda Clark for more details.

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
- Dedicated and highly trained Cross Roads VBS Crew at Prince of Peace Church
- Bring a bag lunch. Snack provided.
- Cost: $25 per child
- Register Now

August 28-Sept 1 from 5:30-7:30pm
First Methodist Church
Get your aprons ready for VBS 2023! Dinner, games, crafts, songs, recreation time, and background checked volunteers. Suggested donation: $35 per family. For more information please contact pastorjessicacampbell@meetwithgod.com or call 845-893-9267.