Knitting with Love: Honoring Liz Miller’s Legacy of Giving

Knitting/Crocheting Group led by Celeste Chamberlain

Picture of balls of yarn and crochet hook with caption "Only when we are quiet can we hear God's whisper."

Once a month, on the Third Wednesday of the month, when you come into the church lobby you can hear the click of needles if you listen carefully. And sometimes the smell of coffee or tea as a group of dedicated women work to create hats and scarfs for the International Seafarers organization. In addition they are working on shawls for some of our homebound members. We would love to have you join us even if you do not know how to knit or crochet. We have lots of willing teachers.

This past week one of our very dedicated and faithful members, Liz Miller passed away. Trish Myers is working on incorporating some of Liz’s work into a variety of items. Liz crocheted and knit so many items over the years including blankets given to babies at the time of their baptism. Rest in Peace dear Liz.