March Messenger

Folded hands in front of a sunrise.

The Messenger – March Highlights

Learn Pysanky with Master Artist Jenny

Pysanky Workshop (Pg. 1)

Learn the ancient art of egg decorating with wax. Scheduled for March 25. Learn more.

From Pastor Eric (Pg. 2)

Lent is a time of slowing down and letting go of our addictive tendency to being continually stimulated by screens, schedules, activities and plans. Read article.

St. Matthew 75th Anniversary Celebration logo

75th Anniversary Celebration (Pg. 3)

As we continue to build to serve all, read about the history of our congregation by Rozella Bower. Read article.

woman sitting at a desk using a computer with a colleague in the background

Spam Emails on the Rise (Pg. 6)

A reminder to be vigilant by Harrison Kutalek. Read more.

Easter Breakfast Signups and Choir News (Pg. 7)

View Lent and Easter Schedule
Download Easter Breakfast Signup Form

John O'Mera at the Moorestown NJ Citizen of the Year Dinner

John O’Meara, Moorestown Citizen of the Year (Pg. 9)

John O’Meara was honored last month by the Moorestown Service Council as Citizen of the Year. Read article.

A group of children assemble birthday kits for local families

Christian Learning Formation (Pg. 10)

Sunday School notes
Thank you notes

Lent and Easter Worship Schedule (Pg. 14)

View Lent and Easter Schedule
Download Easter Breakfast Signup Form