Maintenance News

Pew Cleaners

Pew Cleaners

Our annual pew and carpet cleaning will be conducted throughout the church and Education Wing on August 22 and Aug 23. Beware when entering the building.

Throughout August, fogging to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus will continue to be done on Fridays.

Recycle Your Reusable Shopping Bags

The Food Pantry is collecting reusable shopping bags to help distrib- ute food packages to our neighbors. Since New Jersey implemented its new law banning single use plastic carry-out bags on May 4, there will be a limited window of time the food pantry can use its remaining bags.

If you shop from home for groceries or curb-side pick up and have extra reusable bags you’d like to rehome, we’d love to have them for the food pantry. Any types of reusable bags are welcome. Please just ensure they’re clean. Bags can be dropped off anytime at the church or the food pantry.

Reusable Shopping Bag


We Can Reuse Those CD-R discs

If you’re spring cleaning and have a stack of unused CD-R discs you’ll no longer use, we’d love to have them. They’re used to record worship services for our homebound members with diminished vision abilities.