Looking towards Lent

Tuesday March 1st 7pm Fastnaught Celebration
Intergenerational Event “Family Foolishness”

We celebrate Fastnacht together online—again!!! Remember it’s BYOD (Bring Your Own Donut). We have some crazy games planned for all ages.

Covid has been a real challenge for all of us and at times we are exhausted, but with God’s continual help we will get through this everyone. Karen and Peggy encourage you to take part in our zoom activities to stay in contact with each other.

Look for more information in our weekly emails and the Sunday Bulletins.


Pastor Eric will be offering a course during the season of Lent on Christian virtues. Discussion will be guided by the theological images from Dante Alighieri’s Purgatorio. The classes will begin in March, but you are invited to find a copy of the book and begin taking a look at it. Any translation is fine, though Pastor Eric will be drawing from the new one by Mary Jo Bang. Reading the text is not required for coming to the class sessions, but it will enrich the experience.