Letter From the President

Dear Members of St. Matthew,

I am writing to let you know of two events in our congregation’s life, which were put in place at the Council Meeting held Monday, October 21, 2019.

  1. It is a pleasure to report that our Call Committee is formed and functioning. The Call Committee consists of: Jennifer Blanford, Max Frable, Barry Grahn, Charlie Lange, Melissa Lestini and Faith Steinfort. The Call Committee and Council met jointly with Bishop Tracie Bartholomew and her Assistant, The Rev. Kimberly Vaughn. We reviewed the Ministry Site Profile which The Bishop will release shortly. Rev. Vaughn and the Call Committee met separately to begin the committee’s work.
  2. Also, I need to report that Council did not extend the contract with Pastor Alexis King, who has served this past year as our Interim Pastor. Council prayerfully considered this and sought guidance from the Bishop. Pastor Alexis has led us with new ideas that we will celebrate and incorporate into St. Matthew’s future. The decision was difficult and was made after considering many aspects of what we believe is best for St. Matthew.

Please join us on Sunday, November 10 (Martin Luther’s birthday) as we thank Pastor Alexis King with a Farewell & Godspeed reception in the foyer.

During the remainder of November we will have guest pastors. It is Council’s responsibility to arrange for pastoral care of the congregation during interim periods. Therefore, we have put in motion the steps to call another Interim Pastor effective December 1.

Prayers for all continue.John O’Meara, president