The next two Confirmation classes will meet February 23rd and March 23rd.

We want to give Pastor Peggy a heartfelt THANK YOU for planning a two week Epiphany Party Extravaganza in Sunday School!
We learned the story of the Three Kings through a variety of activities, our favorite being decorating crowns.Take a look at the pictures below! She even baked us a special Three Kings cake, and taught us the tradition that one piece would have a special item inside! The cake was delicious! Pastor Peggy, we appreciate your effort and dedication to our young kiddos!

We have two reminders for Sunday School parents.
The first is that we would like to fulfill our commitment to support the erection of a Little Library that is expected to be built in the Spring; so please send in your loose change with your kiddos! We also want to remind you that in case of inclement weather, you may receive communication from the leaders that Sunday School is cancelled.

Adult Forum will be on hiatus for the near future while Pastor is traveling
Be on the lookout for March presentations. Here seems like a good place to remind the congregation that Pastor Eric needs support with organizing the Adult Forum. Please consider sharing a small portion of your time to support the Pastor and this all important part of Saint Matthew’s spiritual and academic education.
Stay Warm!
Melissa Feeney, CLF Chairperson