Green Team

Mission Statement

To reveal the connection of our congregation and community to God’s presence in the natural world, by fostering a culture of environmental reflection, engagement and stewardship

Upcoming Events

  • Saturday, May 8th, 9-11am: Save the Environment of Moorestown (STEM) for a Natural Area Care Trail Cleanup, South Valley Woods (behind South Valley Elementary School). This is a great service project for ages 9+, seniors and confirmands/mentors
  • Saturday, May 22nd, 10am-12pm: New Jersey Farmers Against Hunger for a Summer Gleaning at Specca Farms (Springfield Township). This is a great service project for all ages, including families, seniors and confirmands/mentors. 


Eco Tip of the Month

Food Tip
Worldwide meat production releases more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector combined (Source: UN Environment Program). Start small by eliminating meat one day per week, or challenge yourself by taking a week-long vegetarian pledge.

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Understanding our Social Statement

As a congregation, we now begin the process of understanding the Social Statement, and embedding its principles into the fabric of our church, community, and personal lives. The Social Statement...

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Green Team

“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” Turns out it’s been a busy month for environmental stewardship and care for God’s creation...

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Green Team

Please join us as we kick off our 2022-23 year of Ministry.  Formed in 2017, our mission is “to reveal the connection of our congregation and community to God’s presence in the natural world,...

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Going Green in Your Kitchen

Here are three ideas for going “green” in your kitchen. Avoid Plastic Bottles Use a water filter pitcher for your drinking water. You’ll filter up to 40 gallons of water with one filter and...

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Green Team

“Take action, for it is your duty, and we are with you; be strong, and do it.” – Ezra 10:4 In “The Book of Hope,” the famous naturalist Jane Goodall (Celadon Books, co-written with Douglas Abrams)...

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Green Team

Allelujah! We were gifted a beautiful day for the blessing of the pollinator garden on the 5th anniversary of its installation, and in celebration of the 52nd Earth Day.  Many thanks to those...

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Green Team

“The one who plants and the one who waters have a common purpose, and each will receive wages according to the labor of each.” —1 Corinthians 3:8 A major part that each of us can play in protecting...

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Spotted Lanternflies

This year, you can make a difference! Our focus for 2022 is endangered species, and the role each of us plays as protector of all in God’s creation. One way that species native to a certain area...

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Green Team

“So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis...

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Photo Galleries

Children’s Pollinator Garden
NJ Farmers Against Hunger Event
Meatless Monday Potluck Dinner

Summer Sunday Worship Schedule

9:30AM Worship
10:30AM Fellowship
View bulletin & YouTube worship link.
318 Chester Avenue, Moorestown, NJ

What's Happening This Week?

click here to learn more

Mission Statement

Saint Matthew Lutheran Church is a community of disciples reaching out through Christ in loving worship, witness, and service.