Green Team Update August, 2018

With summer in full swing, “Green” activities have been abounding. We are so thankful to the confirmation students, mentors and congregation members who on June 9 gleaned over 65 lbs of strawberries with our local Mission partner, New Jersey Farmers Against Hunger, to benefit food banks in the area! Check out a few pics below. Also, on July 15 guest speakers from GreenFaith and Isles joined us for our first “coffee/ green tea talk,” where we learned more about the Jersey Renews Coalition and enjoyed some delicious treats and homemade green iced tea.

Now that fall is right around the corner, the Green Team is planning our goals and projects for the upcoming year. A major theme this year will be the 4R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – and Rejoice! (with credit to Rebekah Simon-Peter). Also stay tuned for service opportunities to grow in our fellowship with NJ Farmers Against Hunger, and community groups such as Save the Environment in Moorestown (STEM). Of course, we will be continuing our ongoing programs such as Meatless Monday, Adult Forum, Sunday school, sustainability plan, and maybe even expanding the Pollinator Garden.

Finally, be on the lookout for our fall membership drive—we’re always looking for new members to join us! For the latest Green Team happenings, be sure to visit our website and Facebook page. You can also email me for information or to sign up. Our next meeting will be Monday, August 6 at 7 PM.

—Brian Lestini, chair P.S.

Check out the “buzz” on SMLC’s very own resident beekeeper, Lou Naylor! Thank you Lou for the blessings that you and your fellow beekeepers bring to help our pollinator friends survive and thrive. To find out more about Naylor’s local beekeeping efforts or if you’re interested in hosting a hive on your property, contact Naylor at  or visit