Following the 10:15 worship service on Sunday, April 23, St. Matthew will again celebrate Earth Day 2023. We invite the entire congregation to join our annual blessing of the pollinator garden, followed by a short eco-walk along the Teaberry Run creek that runs alongside the church grounds with our Sunday School students (we will not be getting muddy so all congregants are invited to join, and also we are hopeful to have a special guest from a local environmental organization join us as well)!
On the eco-walk, we will learn about the many ways that manmade actions can impact the creek and the watersheds that it feeds (hint: things deposited in our creek end up in some VERY large bodies of water!), and how the small steps we can take to protect creeks in our own backyards can lead to big improvements in our water quality.

This celebration will lift up many of the principles to which we as a congregation have committed: to care for creation; affirm God’s creation in all its glory and beauty; acknowledge God as the source of all things, Christ as the redeemer of all things, and the Spirit as the sustainer of all things; and accept our vocation as Earth-keepers who care for creation. In particular, this celebration will encompass:*
- Worship: We express our gratitude and praise to God as creator, redeemer, and sustainer.
- Education: We seek to learn what we as Christians can do to heal and restore creation for future generations.
- Building and Grounds: We agree to assess the impact that our activities and the use and maintenance of our property may have upon creation, and to make choices that lessen our negative impact on Earth.
- Discipleship at Home and Work: We seek to foster a closer relationship with nature in our personal lives so that we can live simply and walk lightly upon Earth.
- Public Ministry: We seek to change the systems that foster the degradation of creation and to rectify the injustices that result from it, and encourage members to engage in civic activities that foster ecological health.
- Youth: Because we desire to leave Earth a better place for our children, we will promote love and respect for creation among our youth, teach them responsible Earth practices, and engage them in projects that restore creation.

Finally, we are still in great need of your time and talent in service to our ministry. While our team of four is small but mighty, we could do much more with your help!! If you are called to become a volunteer with the Green Team, please contact me at:, or join us at one of our virtual monthly meetings, held the first Monday of the month (Ministry night), Also check out our website and follow the SMLC Facebook page.
*Excerpted from “Lutherans Restoring Creation Congregational Care-For-Creation Covenant,” 2021.

On April 16 and 23, the Sunday School students will make bug vacuums to use on the eco-walk activity. They will allow us to examine the biodiversity of insects in our own backyard, using these homemade bug vacuums.