Genealogy Group Forming

JoAnn Lawrence, Genealogist

Genealogy Group

Is Francis Hopkinson in your family? He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Francis was a patriot, jurist, essayist, churchman, and member of the Continental Congress of 1776.

Do you know, however, he designed the American Flag, was the first native American composer of songs, or administrator of the “School for Negroes?” Francis married Nancy Ann Borden from Bordentown. Yes, that family the city is named after. And they are my distant cousins.

Many of us have family stories of Indians, pirates, and family members from distant places. But are they true! Did you know New Jersey has its own Indian and pirate stores? I love the story about the “beautiful and young widow who helps save Trenton?” A true story.

We will have a newbie/beginners introduction to family history/genealogy this fall. Our first meeting will be a Sunday after church in person and Zoom. The classes are now in the planning stage, and more information will follow. If interested in joining the group, please see JoAnn Lawrence or email her at